New Writing in Scotland No.5 for ‘last of the 7 Samurai’ by William Glenfedder.
New Statesman & Society August 1990 for ‘Storm in the Palace’ by James Kelman.
Variant Magazine No.2 where slightly altered version of Farquar McLay’s story ‘Working At It’ for appeared.
West Coast Magazine No.6 where Ian McKechnie’s poem ‘Night Moves’ was first printed.
Front cover photo: Scotland on Sunday
John Taylor Caldwell Childhood Years
Brendan McLaughlin Glasgow's Not For Sale
James Kelman Storm in the Palace
Alasdair Gray A Friend Unfairly Treated
Freddy Anderson The Culture of Glasgow
J.N. Reilly Four Nocturnal Poems
Donald Anderson Whaur's Yer Culture Noo?
Norman Bissell Glasgow's Miles ... Out
Ned Donaldson Homes for the Needy
James Kelman Subjective Account
Jeff Torrington Swing Hammer Swing
Michael Donnelly Erased From History
James Kelman Art and Subsidy, and some politics of Culture City